Seven years of sexual assault

Time went by, Daren´s marriage was not perfect, but was a good marriage. He had a wife who loved him and cared for him. Daren tried to make her happy, but he was to selfish for that. He continued in the course of living a double life, meeting women on social networks, making them falling in love for the image he displayed, usually a male model or an athlete. He had sex phone with them. Did sexting. Shared intimate pictures, and made them think they could have a life together. Finally, after a period doing that with a specific person, Daren would either feel pressured to show himself, either on camera or personally, or his conscience would make him stop, and he would "kill" the character. This is something that really intrigues me. On one hand we have a sociopath, a sexual predator, who  doesn´t care for the feeling and the damage he is inflicting to his victims. But in the other hand, we have this nice guy, loved by his friends and family, who still had a conscience, who accused him for the wrong he was doing. Daren attributes that to God having relieved Himself to him. This double life was more then only choosing to pretend to be a nice guy while he was in fact a sociopath. He WAS REALLY A NICE GUY! who allowed himself to be overtaken by his own flows and the more he was living it, the deeper he was going in this twister course.

This lasted for 7 years, during which Daren was trying his best to be a good person and follow God´s principles, but at the same time was living this double life. When he was with his wife, with his friends, doing God´s work, it was like his virtual life didn´t exist.only when he was online, the sociopath in him, came out, and he would practice his crimes.
Daren was so arrogant that he would at time be reckless. During this period, his wife caught him several times. At each time, Daren would cry, promise her that it would be the last time, that he was sorry and even blaming her for not showing him tender care or not be lovely enough with him. The poor girl was blaming herself for the situation. This was destroying her emotional. It was tearing apart her self-esteem. But Daren wasn´t able to see what he was doing to his wife. He was so self centered, that he didn´t care for he feeling, only thinking on how HE was feeling and what HE needed.  

During those seven years, many were Daren´s victims. Some married women, other single women. All of them had in common to be in a fragile period of there lives and in need of care and attention. Daren was taking advantage of that to gain their trust and after use them to have a twisted sexual pleasure .  


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