The suicide of a sexual predator

Following having been discovered, Daren´s live entered in a spiral of self-destruction. 
His wife tried to stand by him, despite what she was feeling. She new the other side of Daren. She new he was not only the monster who lived on social networks. She wanted to help him to overcome that addiction, and stayed. 
Daren though, was entering into a deep depression. He started to realize what he had done, the lives he had destroyed, the pain he had caused to his wife, relatives and friends. All the weight of his bad actions was falling on his shoulders now. He was awakening for what he had don, and was not being able to deal with it. Daren´s wife always stood by his side. She was worried with him and at the same time she had to deal with her feelings, the feelings of having been betrayed, having her self-esteem broken, and dealing with Daren´s depression. Also her was in the edge of breaking down.

Daren started to have thoughts of suicide. Has time went by, he had more and more problems to sleep and was fantasizing about death. Maybe death would take away the pain he was feeling. First the pain for having been discovered, grieving about his luck, about having been abandoned by almost everybody. But has time was passing by, he really started to realize what he had done and now the pain was even bigger. He was realizing how much he had made his wife suffer. How much were his parents suffering. How much pain were his victims suffering. Most of all, the pain he had caused to his God, by acting foolishly, dishonoring his God´s name. To his, the only way to stop with his pain and to the pain he was making others feeling, was dying. 

Daren was wondering why? Why had he done what he did? He was a God fearing man from his youth! He was trying to understand, often blaming the sexual abuse he suffered from his nanny for what he was doing. He even blamed his wife....But inside, he new he was the one to blame. No meter what had happened in the past, or even in the present, he could have choose another path. 
Daren wanted to understand why. It was important in his eyes, in order to turn back form his wrong actions. He started to go to a Psychologist. And it worked...he was seeing now more clearly why he was doing what he had been done. he was the only one to blame and the only one who could reverse the course. That was a good step for his recovery, but it made his pain over what he had done, worse.
he was now more than ever thinking about suicide. He often took knifes in his hands hand tried to cut his wrists. But he was lacking courage to do it. Daren´s wife was getting more and more worried about the situation. and when Daren confessed to her that it had not only been online that he had betrayed her, that was to much for her. She couldn´t bear it anymore.
She was still loving him despite everything, and even took him to a psychiatrist. But it was too much for her and she had to step away.

Daren was now alone. he only had his dog and his God, who seemed to be so fare away from him at that point...  
He needed to redeem himself from what he had done. he needed to tell others about the dangers of social networking and how to avoid people like him who can cause serious damage on one´s life. He decided to share his story to alert, specially women for this danger. 

Daren was now in peace with himself and one evening he decided to take his life. It was enough of this wicked man who had cause so  much pain! He died at home, alone and in peace.  


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